Friends and Family Test

Quote / Testimonial:
Should you have any suggestions to improve how the Practice operates or manages its services, please complete a Friends and Family Test feedback form.

These are reviewed on a monthly basis by the practice to understand what’s working well, and identify areas for improvement.

To find out more about how the Friends and Family Test is used in the NHS, please watch this short animation.

Friends & Family Test

Overall, how was your experience of our service?

Friends & Family Test Results


Responses so far for 2024 (January to August 2024) –

Very goodGoodNeither good nor badPoorVery PoorDon’t KnowTotal
Number of responses2144344818138152703
% response rate79.32%12.73%3%3%1.41%0.55%100%


Many thanks to all our patients that submitted feedback, we are thrilled to see that 94% of responses were scored as ‘Very good’ or ‘Good’.

Very goodGoodNeither good nor badPoorVery PoorDon’t KnowTotal
Number of responses36355521176366304463
% response rate81.45%12.37%2.62%1.41%1.48%0.67%100%